Perhaps my only true country is my body

Perhaps my only true country is my body is a shifting installation, a stage which changes through a performance. The work collaborates with the characteristics of the space where it is exhibited at the Rietveld Glass Pavillion at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. The work deals with the sense of nostalgia for a place that no longer exists.

‘…Curtains are closed: The space is dark. A still image of a tropical lansdcape covers a few remnants of white columns and abducts them… Deep green, uncontrollable green, plants are constantly growing and changing the space, reducing the space. Peaceful hecticness, an insect orchestra…”
“…Curtains are open: The image is slowly falling apart. The green habitat is gone and the objects and white columns are revealed and totally visible. The room is transformed into a quasi urban landscape with a few remains of ruins…”

Perhaps my only true country is my body
was exhibited during the Graduation Show of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam in 2016 as part of the TXT department  exhibition entitled Detourism and other means of movement curated by Angela Jerardi. Graphic design and visual identity by Ricardo Leite. Soundscape by !nertia.


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